Join the Monthly Art Contest
Thank you for entering the Nurse Heroes Monthly Art Contest! To enter the Contest you will need to complete the contest registration form below, and confirm that you have read and accepted the Contest Terms and Conditions. Here is a short summary to help get you started:
1. To enter the Contest you will need to upload a copy of the art you have created to celebrate our Nurse Heroes. This can be one of the following:
A Painting which must be submitted to the Contest as a photograph (taken with a mobile phone or other digital camera) of the Entrants original painting or drawing and may not exceed 100MB in file size. The original painting or drawing must not exceed 36 inches high by 36 inches wide, but may be smaller in both height and width.
A Drawing which must be submitted to the Contest as a photograph (taken with a mobile phone or other digital camera) of the Entrants original painting or drawing and may not exceed 100MB in file size. The original drawing must not exceed 36 inches high by 36 inches wide, but may be smaller in both height and width.
A Photograph which must be submitted to the Contest as a digital photograph (taken with a mobile phone or other digital camera) and may not exceed 100MB in file size.
A Poem which must not exceed 200 words. Poetry submissions in excess of 200 words will not qualify as an Eligible Art Submission for the Contest. Poetry submissions must be in the English language or have an English translation. Poetry submissions should be submitted electronically as a PDF or equivalent file.
2. To enter the Contest your art must be submitted as a digital file or photograph of your art. The file must be in a submitted in format compatible with the Contest such as PDF, JPG, TIF, or PNG.
3. Limit of one (1) art entry per person, per art category for each monthly contest.
4. There will be 12 monthly Contests. Each Monthly Contest begins on the first calendar day of each month, and all entries must be received by NurseHeroes on or before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the last calendar day of each month
5. Once an Entrant has become a winner of one (1) of the monthly Contests in any art category, they are not permitted to enter any further Monthly Contests.
Enter by completing the contest registration form which follows - thank you for participating and good luck!